Monday, June 21, 2010


Biscuit's big announcement is correct. Come February we will have another baby! The girls and DH are completely convinced it is a girl. To which, I say, we'll see! No, we are not finding out the sex this time. I love the surprise of holding a baby in your arms and looking to see whether it is a boy or girl. I know some people say it is a surprise even when you do the ultrasound but it isn't the same! You have all of those endorphins right after the birth and well anyway very exciting. So far my tummy has behaved for the most part. If I get too hungry or thirsty I feel queasy. I am only 6 weeks right now. Yes, we told everyone very early. My husband was a bit excited and didn't want to wait. I will try to do better to keep everyone updated on life this summer. Lots of things rolling around in my head. Now I just need to get it out on my blog, right?