Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Good Ol' Days

Once upon a time back when I was way younger I shared bunk beds with my middle sister. Middle sister and I only shared them a few years and then middle sister and tiny sister shared them. Now it is time to pass down the tradition. Bella and Monkey are now the proud owners of bunk beds. They have been wanting them for a very long time. I had major hesitations and was able to put this off for about 18 months. My hesitations you ask? Broken arms, stitches, dislocated elbows/shoulders (from one sibling dangling the other off the top bunk). Yes I have issues thanks for asking! Why the change of heart? My dear husband was helping out my dad this past week and somehow the topic came round to bunk beds. Darling husband says, "yeah Mimi won't let the girls have them." My dad, "That's crazy SHE had bunk beds." Umm thanks Dad I will direct the hospital bills to your house. So, we now have bunk beds. Nightly prayers might include pleas for safety. The girls are beside themselves with joy. It has been hard to get them down. They now have some extra floor space so I think I will make them some floor pillows. I have a great Amy Butler design I have been wanting to try out. Here are some pics of their beds.

Happy as clams.
Lots of space for Barbies and dollhouse stuff.

Maybe some padding on the floor would help my nervousness!

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