Sunday, February 21, 2010


We have been busy. With what, you ask? I am not really sure! So, here goes another bullet list update!
  • Bella got her ears pierced the day after her birthday.
  • She also got her hair cut short about a week later.
  • Our home school group started up again.
  • I will be teaching an art class in March.
  • We went to Chicago to visit my brother and sister-in-law. While there we visited the American Girl store. Quite fun and insane at the same time. We also met up with a dear friend of mine from high school.
  • Attended more births. March is going to be a busy month.
  • Mr. Biscuit is growing like a weed! He still doesn't say much. The strong, silent type. Actually he talks all the time just not in a language I understand.

All I can think of off the top of my head. Our days have been full with much more than that I just can't remember with what!